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Token no fungible, NFT | MINImaxVJ

Foto del escritor: Marcel Márquez MartínezMarcel Márquez Martínez
"Do NFTs have the power to make something that is historically wrong right?"
They are unique digital assets that can be interesting to own or even profitable to trade. I am interested in creating video projections that bifurcate the boundaries between the real and the virtual in Cuba. These are video masters created in 3D with sound in unique and unrepeatable collections with which you can support my work and expand it outside the national territory in a liberating search.

Token no fungible, NFT por sus siglas en inglés ​ es un tipo especial de token criptográfico que representa algo único. Los tókenes no fungibles no son, por tanto, mutuamente intercambiables.

So yeah definitely in a practical sense, an NFT is usually represented by a digital artwork, such as an image; But it is important to understand that it is not just about that image (which can be easily replicated), its existence as a unique digital object on the blockchain is what makes it special and collectible.
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